Tag: omgdpr

  • OMGDPR is live – ZOMG

    I’ve written previously about GDPR, thinking out loud about running an event called OMGDPR – a community run, unconference to explore the changes to the industry it’ll bring about. In this post, I introduce the event publicly and explain why I think it’s important. The background – what’s GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation…

  • An update on OMGDPR – explaining the format

    So, a little under two weeks ago, I wrote a bit about OMGDPR, a hypothetical  community-run, open space event where practitioners who build digital products or services, can meet to learn from each other how they’re responding to what amount to  seismic changes in privacy law. Me and Maik have been chatting to various organisation…

  • Trying an idea – OMGDPR, a GPDR-themed event in Berlin

    I’ve been following the passage of GDPR from ideas to law over the last couple of years, and I’m convinced its effects will be far reaching, and extremely disruptive to the industry I work in, but also any industry that collects and processes data around customers. I started chatting with a friend Maik, and we’re…