Tag: weeknotes

  • Weeknotes #3 – a minor breakthrough

    This week has been a bit of a split week, with about half of it in the Netherlands, and half in Germany. It’s felt good though, and towards the end of the day on Sunday, I’m feeling like I’ve at had a chance to recharge batteries after running them down through the week. Morning workshop…

  • Weeknotes #2 – a return to health

    Right. I don’t have long for this weeknote, but I’m determined to get them out on a regular for at least a month. This one will be short. So what are the key things I’ve been up to? Making decent progress on the green data project So, I’m one week into the environmental open data…

  • Trying it one more time – weeknotes #1

    I’ve had a few failed attempts at weeknotes, but with an exciting new gig starting, which marks a significant milestone in my career, I figured I might try picking it up again. How do you do weeknotes properly? As far as I can tell, there’s no magic formula to writing them, and it’s natural for…