Tag: wordpress
The wagtail project template I wish existed
As of December 28th, 2024, this website visible at rtl.chrisadams.me.uk, is a WordPress blog. I ended up using it out of convenience after wasting too much of my life faffing around with building static site generators, and abortive attempts at hand-built CMSs. I’ve tried using Wagtail a few times to build these CMS’s too, but…
A helpful way to think about how text editors are designed
As I understand it, this model, the Block Top / Text top Model by Erin Casali, was originally created to help people think about rich text editing in WordPress, but I think its’s also a helpful for thinking about editors in the wider sense now, like the kind you see in notebook interfaces like Marimo…
Reviewing the options for setting up a small website, and ending up with WordPress
After spending a frankly depressing amount of time trying out various options, I’ve recently set up this blog, and a recent project blog, the Amateur Wardley Mapping User Group, to run on WordPress.com. For my future self to check as much as anyone else, I’ll explain my reasons for doing. I have a fair few friends who don’t have…