I’m hoping someone in my network might have some domain expertise in an area I don’t know too much about, so I’m posting this here, to make it easy to share.
As I understand it, to sell renewable energy in many countries, you generally need need to inform the regulator in your country about the renewable energy infrastructure you have, so you can be issued credits for the energy you produce (this doesn’t cover every case, but a lot of them).
This post from Good Energy gives a very high level of what how these credits work.
I know in the UK, they’re referred to as REGOS (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin), and you can see them here:
And the Australian Clean Energy regulator does something similar here with RECs, which from memory, translate from TLA to English as Renewable Energy Credit:
I’m not sure how this data is licensed, or if you can download it in bulk anywhere as Open Data, but I do know it exists, and is collected, as it’s used by the regulators anyway.
Elsewhere in the world
I live in Germany, and I’m trying to find this information. Does the German energy regulator maintain a register of renewable energy certificates, that you can download and analyse, like these two examples above?