Tag: fosdem
I’m at FOSDEM 2025
I’m at FOSDEM 20205, and having a url here is easier for sharing on various social networks than making one thread per network. My tips, for someone who has gone to a few now. Make a short list of sessions to go to: Here is a link of all the sessions that caught my eye.…
An update on air quality notes at FOSDEM
About a week ago, I wrote a blog post about air quality and CO2 sensors as a way to help make more informed decisions about going into rammed devrooms when at conferences like FOSDEM. This is an update on what I’ve learned since, with links to active projects, interested devrooms, and other such goodies. First…
What’s the air quality like in rooms at FOSDEM?
This post is placeholder until there’s a clearer plan to try instrumenting a few rooms with affordable CO2 sensors at FOSDEM, well known, free open source conference held in Brussels. Why do this? Broadly speaking, I think it’s a good idea to let people make more informed choices about being in crowded rooms, with unclear…