My talk about a planet friendly web at DataNatives in Berlin last night

So, last night, I did a talk at Big Data Berlin, with the shockingly linkbaity title of Green Clouds in a world of Blockchains and AI.

Rather impressively the video is online already – and you can see it start at 37:01 in the video linked below:

The talk

The talk is online on speakerdeck, like my other talks:

The reception

Generally I was really pleased with the reception here – the audience (a mix of data focussed lot, but also a devs, designers, and biz poeople) was really engaged through the 20 minutes I took to deliver it, and I got laughs at all the places I was hoping.

However, you won’t hear any of them on the video above, as the sound recording seems to be coming from the mike, and it sounds like tumbleweed whenever there’s a pause for people laughing.

Anyway, I hope the content is interesting, and the links are all in the deck linked above.

If the stuff I was talking about interests you

When I find the time, I’m trying to get a guide together, for people who build digital products and services, who want to make them greener. You can see it at, and there a loads of ways you can contribute too – check the contributors page to see.

Also, feel free to drop me a message via the contact page, or leave a comment below.





