Category: Uncategorized

  • Some quick notes before diving into the Euro stack report

    I’m sharing this as a British person, now living in Europe, who is currently working through reading theough the recent Euro stack report closely. I am dashing this post out, in response to a question in a private chat where an American person reading about this Euro-stack idea for the first time, very reasonably asked:…

  • Why should there be a WordPress Sustainability Group?

    Just like there is Umbraco Sustainability Group, and Wagtail Sustainability Group, and something related in the Drupal Community, I think it’s useful for there to be a WordPress sustainability group, who have an interest in understanding and reducing the climate impact of the project. These are the arguments I would use for it to exist,…

  • Where do I find the dates of future public company filings in France and Germany?

    I’m looking for open data sets of some public company data for Germany and France. And in particular I’d reallty appreciate pointers to the answers for the following question: Is there any centralised source that lists the dates of the AGMs of publicly traded companies, or when they last filed their management accounts? That is…

  • An update on air quality notes at FOSDEM

    About a week ago, I wrote a blog post about air quality and CO2 sensors as a way to help make more informed decisions about going into rammed devrooms when at conferences like FOSDEM. This is an update on what I’ve learned since, with links to active projects, interested devrooms, and other such goodies. First…

  • How much of their energy do various countries use on datacentres?

    I’m posting this here becuase I’m realise that posting things to Linkedin means finding them again is a real pain, and having a link on my own domain is helpful for coming back to. European datacentre usage This chart is from pae 27 of the Energy Consumption in Data Centres and Broadband Communication Networks in…

  • Is the UK using loads of gas on the grid or not?

    This was a thing that had me scratching my head when prepping a few stories for a newsletter this weekend, and I figured it might be of use to others too. In the UK, if you follow the decarbonisation of the grid, you’ll likely have noticed that the UK succeeded in getting coal off the…

  • Fixing a stricken iPad mini 6th gen

    This post is here to make it easier to get help fixing an iPad I bought from Backmarket a couple of years ago. Last week I left it in a bag with a water bottle that leaked, and I’m hoping that being able to share pictures and links should help me find someone to fix…

  • Does the EU AI Act really call for tracking inference as well as training in AI models?

    Does the EU AI Act really call for tracking inference as well as training in AI models?

    I’m sharing this post as it I think it helped me realise something I hadn’t appreciated til today. I don’t build AI models, and to be honest, while I make sparing use of Github Co-pilot and Perplexity, I’m definitely not a power user. My interest in them is more linked to my day job, and…

  • Emily Atkins on the vilfying the fossil fuel industry

    This extended snippet is from the Heated Newsletter: For readers who are new to this newsletter, I think it’s important to note that I am not a climate activist. I’m a journalist who went went to college for journalism and have only held journalism jobs. I’ve worked at news outlets with both liberal and conservative…

  • Making sense of the energy reporting deadlines for datacentres in Europe

    In the last 12 months, we’ve had a few laws passed in Europe that are likely to lead to us having access to new data about the energy demands of datacenters. Which laws specifically is a bit more complicated, and this post is an attempt to explain the mechanism to others, as well make sense…