Author: chris

  • Why some people in Virginia get miffed about datacentres

    Every year, there is an absolutely stellar deck from Nat Bullard, the former chief content officer of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, about climate, and this year, one of the slides caught my eye enough to share here – slide 169, which I’ve added below. We’ve heard stories about datacentres using around 20% of all the…

  • Some quick notes before diving into the Euro stack report

    I’m sharing this as a British person, now living in Europe, who is currently working through reading theough the recent Euro stack report closely. I am dashing this post out, in response to a question in a private chat where an American person reading about this Euro-stack idea for the first time, very reasonably asked:…

  • Discovering Docling

    A couple of years back, I started using a RSS reader again. I find it really useful for compiling notes for the CAT newsletter I’ve been editing and publishing most weeks, but I also end up with loads of links that are interesting, but do not fit. The first of hopefully a series of small…

  • I’m at FOSDEM 2025

    I’m at FOSDEM 20205, and having a url here is easier for sharing on various social networks than making one thread per network. My tips, for someone who has gone to a few now. Make a short list of sessions to go to: Here is a link of all the sessions that caught my eye.…

  • Will new models like DeepSeek reduce the direct environmental footprint of AI?

    I’m in a chat at work, and recently this question came up: Are folks expecting a reduction in energy demands if DeepSeek-style models become dominant vs the ones you see from Open AI? I’ve paraphrased it slightly, but it’s an interesting question, so rather than obnoxiously share a long answer into a that chat, I…

  • Do tech firms need to report their revenue from the oil and gas sector now?

    At work, we’re building some open source software to make it possible to parse corporate disclosures that a growing number of companies need to publish for the world to see. These are largely being driven by new laws passed around the world about corporate transparency, and I’m sharing a question here that I’d like some…

  • 2025 is the year that the RE100 change how they recognise green claims

    I’ve been following Flexidao for a while, and they recently published an interesting post about updates from the RE100, and the new way the recognise claims around Green Energy. I figured it’s worth sharing here as I think it has implications on how people talk about green energy in datacentres – a long running, and…

  • Why should there be a WordPress Sustainability Group?

    Just like there is Umbraco Sustainability Group, and Wagtail Sustainability Group, and something related in the Drupal Community, I think it’s useful for there to be a WordPress sustainability group, who have an interest in understanding and reducing the climate impact of the project. These are the arguments I would use for it to exist,…

  • Where do I find the dates of future public company filings in France and Germany?

    I’m looking for open data sets of some public company data for Germany and France. And in particular I’d reallty appreciate pointers to the answers for the following question: Is there any centralised source that lists the dates of the AGMs of publicly traded companies, or when they last filed their management accounts? That is…

  • An update on air quality notes at FOSDEM

    About a week ago, I wrote a blog post about air quality and CO2 sensors as a way to help make more informed decisions about going into rammed devrooms when at conferences like FOSDEM. This is an update on what I’ve learned since, with links to active projects, interested devrooms, and other such goodies. First…