Reads, takes and links. Posted here, before I forget them.

  • Useful resources for developers interested in solar

    A friend of mine, Carlton Gibson recently asked me for some links, people to follow, and leads in general to look up for a developers taking a new interest in solar technology. @mrchrisadams hiya — happy new year! Can I ask, if I asked if you had any good leads on accounts/blogs to follow on…

  • TIL: Using Caddy with Django apps instead of Nginx

    As mentioned before, I’ve been doing a bunch of work recently with Caddy, and a number of web apps. These are my notes for using Caddy, and why I think I prefer using it over nginx from now on. I also share a sample Caddyfile config for showing how to use it instead of nginx.

  • TIL: Gunicorn settings you will actually use

    I’ve recently been doing a bit of work setting up Django applications to work with Gunicorn and Caddy of late, and I’ve settled on these settings for now, as the ones I wish I had at my fingertips when working with Gunicorn to serve python apps. Read on for a sample config with explanations of…

  • Quick notes before I forget about last mile mobility, community tech and climate

    I keep looking for these links, and searching through my own mastodon /twitter blog poss is getting old. so I’m going dump them here Ways to direct funding to more sustainable variants of community tech This is partly a response to a blog post from Matt Webb aages back about last mile delivery in COVID…

  • Useful context for hydrogen economy convos – a recent keynote by Michael Liebreich on hydrogen

    This talk, by Michael liebriech communicates a massive amount of useful knowledge in 20 mins, and crucially provides useful context for assessing claims of hydrogen being a silver bullet in loads of sectors. Michael liebreich‘s keynote speech at the world hydrogen congress 2022 Things I learned Jacob Reese Mogg most had literally called hydrogen a…

  • Experiments with remote birthday greetings

    I’ve recently been experimenting with using remote conferencing tools to make it easier to use video for richer, more intimate messages, and below is a post I’ve shared in a few private social networks. I tried a few services, but it turns out that it’s totally possible to use enterprise teleconferencing software to share recorded…

  • Getting the bottom of that asinine article about the CO2 footprint of email

    I keep seeing people online talk about this piece in the Guardian. I shared this thread when it first came out, as it made me pretty angry before, but I think I need to expand on it now, as it Just. Won’t. Die. I’m miffed because this is the digital version of talking entirely about…

  • Notes from the Future Ethics at UX Book club

    I went to the first UX Book Club Berlin in a while last night, and it covered Cennyd Bowles’ book from 2018, Future Ethics. Below are my notes. Apologies for the quality. A set of notes for future reference Peter’s Bihr’s writing is accessible and really interesting in this field. This whose work I referred…

  • Why I spend time working on

    I’ve been investing a bunch of time into, an online community since around August 2018. I’ve seen it grow from a private slack group of about 100 people into something closer to 1600 people now, and I figured it would be worth writing down why I spend this time. I’ve tried to work out…

  • Quick notes from an EU Green Public Procurement Workshop for Cloud and IT in Brussels

    As part of my work with the Green Web Foundation, I’ve ended up spending time in Brussels going to workshops, to feed into policy for greening the way we do digital. I’ve just finished the second workshop today which was about the sexy, sexy subject of public procurement. Why am I doing this? Because I…

Got any book recommendations?