Reads, takes and links. Posted here, before I forget them.
Parking an idea – WNDR, for Web Native Dynamic Rendering
I realised today when writing a post into the Django Forum that I had a half formed idea in the new post form that I had totally forgot about out. I spent some chatting with Carlton about it, so it seemed worth dropping the ideas here before they’re lost to the ether. Background – Carlton’s…
How I use LLMs – neat tricks with Simon’s `llm` tool
Earlier this year I co-authored a report about the direct environmental impact of AI, which might give the impression I’m massively anti-AI, because it talks about the signficant social and environmental of using it. I’m not. I’m (still, slowly) working through the content of the Climate Change AI Summer School, and I use it a…
What’s the air quality like in rooms at FOSDEM?
This post is placeholder until there’s a clearer plan to try instrumenting a few rooms with affordable CO2 sensors at FOSDEM, well known, free open source conference held in Brussels. Why do this? Broadly speaking, I think it’s a good idea to let people make more informed choices about being in crowded rooms, with unclear…
The wagtail project template I wish existed
As of December 28th, 2024, this website visible at, is a WordPress blog. I ended up using it out of convenience after wasting too much of my life faffing around with building static site generators, and abortive attempts at hand-built CMSs. I’ve tried using Wagtail a few times to build these CMS’s too, but…
A helpful way to think about how text editors are designed
As I understand it, this model, the Block Top / Text top Model by Erin Casali, was originally created to help people think about rich text editing in WordPress, but I think its’s also a helpful for thinking about editors in the wider sense now, like the kind you see in notebook interfaces like Marimo…
You should try Pad Kra Pao
Earlier this year, I went to Thailand for my brother’s wedding, and for the first time in my life, I has Pad Kra Pao, which I understand to be one of national dishes of the country. It’s quickly become one of my fave meals, and after spending way too much time struggling with Instagram’s abysmal…
Some notes from reading about the UK’s plan for clean power by 2030
For me at least, one of the most politically exciting things that happened this year was seeing the UK finally get rid of a conservative government and elect one that had to extremely ambitious climate promises in its manifesto. More specifically the goal to reach clean power by 2030 really caught my attention, and coincidentally…
How much of their energy do various countries use on datacentres?
I’m posting this here becuase I’m realise that posting things to Linkedin means finding them again is a real pain, and having a link on my own domain is helpful for coming back to. European datacentre usage This chart is from pae 27 of the Energy Consumption in Data Centres and Broadband Communication Networks in…
TIL: Using consul-template to test local rendering of template files before using them in Nomad jobs
I’ve been using Nomad for a while, as an alternative scheduler to Kubernetes. It’s good, and I generally think I’m in good company when using it. I learned a handy trick with consul-template today and I think it’s useful enough to share here for others, and my future self.
TIL: Searching shell history in Atuin
I’ve been using Atuin recently to manage shell history. I really like it though it does take a bit of getting used to when it takes over the up arrow key in a terminal by default. Fortunately you can switch the default to make the up arrow filter commands to ones run in the current…
Got any book recommendations?